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Unlocking True Transformation: Disrupting Patterns for Lasting Change

June 18, 2024


Some people come to our office searching for pain relief.

Others for transformation.

People have found all of these things.

What does it take to truly have a transformative change? To take your health beyond what you ever perceived possible?

Does it start with you? Your beliefs of what’s possible?

Let’s imagine that you make $1 million per year. Every day you wake up and you say I don’t have enough I’m poor. I need more money. At what point will you feel abundant?

When they say thoughts become your reality, it’s not magic. But thoughts that are repeated overtime become beliefs. Those beliefs about your money, health, trauma etc. cause an emotion. “I’m poor! I’m sick! I’ll always be fat!” “He ruined my life!”

You drive down the road and think of your bad break-up and suddenly you feel the same feeling as if the trauma is happening again.

Not only does your body have a stress response, a flight or flight response, but it causes your brain to operate on a heightened sense of awareness. Focusing on danger, the environment, the next problem, as a defense mechanism for survival. Only you aren’t in a life or death situation. So you never get to process the stress, escape the situation, and so this is stress become patterned. You start living by emotion rather than rational thoughts. Every decision becomes a reaction to control the next stress or fix the next problem.

And so you pattern this emotion all the time. And it becomes who you are and drives your unconscious decisions and choices and emotions. Day in. And day out. Looking for the next problem to solve.

It’s not enough to just tell yourself im going to change. I’m healthy, I’m sick, I am abundant. You have to feel it in your body. You need to really think about what that means what it would FEEL LIKE to be healthy. A person that is healthy, HOW WOULD THEY LIVE THEIR LIFE? What choices they would make and what decisions they would make in those difficult moments that will come. What a healthy person have the same behaviors you have? Watch as much TV? Eat fast food as much? Would a happy person think they’re the victim in every situation? Would an abundant person feel like they never have enough?

Transformation is possible. Too many times we just transform in the mind and it stops because of the body is not following. Your mind is positive but your bodies energy is negative.

Chiropractic is about interrupting those automatic patterns. Those maladaptive patterns that operate your life 90% of the time subconsciously. The adjustment provides a profound amount of stimulation to the nervous system to shut down that heightened awareness in the brain, the stress response.

You have a choice to be intentional about what you believe moving forward. are you going to continue to think act the same way that you have before expecting to change? Or are you going to do the work and start rewriting those belief systems? If one person can change, so can you. We are all human.

You can do it! Let’s go!